Living the Organic Life Is Not Only Healthy But Now Affordable!
Live the Organic Life, let's face it, is not simple or easy, not at first anyway, but I will tell you why. One word - Habit!! Everything is a habit, and to break a habit it takes some time. It is so much easier to start a habit than to break one. It does take some effort and work on your part, but once you succeed, it will become part of your daily routine, and your life transformed.
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Click Video BELOW for this Organic Story (very interesting)
Our mission is simple: "Supporting you in being the healthiest you possible be with an Organic Lifestyle".
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"That is not one of the seven habits of highly effective people."
(if you read anything you must read this paragraph below):
This website will give you an rare insight on how you can change things in your life, little by little. Simple measures are introduced so you will not feel overwhelmed.
You can gradually incorporate new ideas and take baby steps, such as switching to a healthier wine or eliminating prepackage and process food from your family’s dinner table.
Organic Lifestyle and Live the Organic Life is sometimes just a matter of modifying one single thing in your life every week or every month. It will transform your life forever, painless and effortlessly - this is how I did it. You will not even think twice about, it will be a way of life – such as going to work or taking your kids to school.
If you are still reading this, you will appreciate the need for a better health and a new & improved way of life. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! Lila
Organic Life has taken the world by storm; it has become a way of life for thousands of people across the world.
Natural Living is not only making sure your food is healthy; just as important, is NOT exposing yourself to toxic substances such as outdoor pollution, and everyday home and body products that are made with highly contaminated chemicals.
This single change will dramatically improve your health as well as the WELL-BEING of those around you.
Are you making the change by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables but not quite there yet?
5 REASONS To A Sensible Leap To Live the Organic Life
Here are 5 reasons why you should consider making this reasonable and sensible leap to organic life:
1. Organic foods may be more expensive but there are hidden costs in conventional food – the cost to our health and environment and much more.
2. An incredible amount of artificial chemicals end up on conventional food. The dirty dozen – avoid these fruit and vegetables: peaches, apples, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, imported grapes, spinach, lettuce, potatoes, sweet bell peppers and celery.
3. Children are four times more susceptible than adults to the pesticides that reside in our foods especially of their size.
4. Farmers works with each other to find ways fund research and share their information on how to produce natural and org. food without using pesticides.
5. Environmental Safe crops are rotated so the soil will not be stripped of natural nutrients.
If you have not decided whether an organic lifestyle is something you would benefit from, consider this, you will not only improve your health, but also enhance your energy, vitality and help yourself look and feel younger.
The power to instantly reduce the chances of your loved ones getting sick from diseases and other ailments that is plaguing society is in your hands.
Just like everyone, we want to change; our habits, our diet, and our physical activity, we have to go slow. I did. I started out eliminating a few things and then add a few healthy things every big deal.
The exciting thing about healthy eating, you will see things changed for the better.
You do not even have to live an organic lifestyle entirely...but as months go on and as you read this website you will want to go more natural, be purer, and eliminate those man-made foods and other toxic things.
WELCOME to our site we look forward to helping you improve the way you look, think and feel.
Most people come to this website because they have so many questions about healthy living or having an organic lifestyle. This site is chock-full of useful and compelling information you will value. I hope you have fun with this can help you change your health, lifestyle, and eating habits.. it will be a turning point in your life.
This website is not about healthy eating; it is all about Your Life and making your Goal a KISS (Keep It Super to Simple).
We live in a complicated world, but our organic lifestyle does not have to be. We live in a society where every day we are bombarded with ads, commercials and hundreds of different people from TV newscasters, journalists, books, friends and families telling you what to do. By now, we do not know what is right for us and what is not.
First, we hear coffee is not acceptable for us, and now they say a “cup of joe” a day will not hurt us. Years ago, experts said, "eggs were bad for our cholesterol, and now they say eggs had nothing do it with it." No wonder we are confused and perplexed each day.
Well, I'm here to enlighten you. Please browse through the website. You will learn to interpret food labels, why healthy shopping is not expensive, know the benefits of whole food, discover the entire scene behind the industry, and why additives and preservatives are unhealthy for our health.
The simple fact: our diets have changed radically within the last 50 years with great and often very harmful and extremely affects on our health.
These dietary changes represent as great a threat to public health as smoking. Too much fat, too much sugar or salt can be linked to heart disease, cancer, obesity and stroke.
In all, six out of ten leading case of death in the U.S. has been linked to the food we eat. By the year 2020, 75% American will be overweight.. what a terrifying concept.
Think about it, mostly everything that happens to us health wise effect by what goes in our mouths, being it drugs (non- or prescription), smoking, drinking or eating.
We, as individuals, can control what is put in our mouths, no one else. No one else forces you or make you eat, drink or smoke anything, it is all and under your control.
Enjoy the Live the Organic Life and Discover your perfect new You!!!
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Take this short 45-sec quiz to find out your toxicity score now, and uncover the truth about toxins that may be in your food, water, household products, and more:
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Live a Long and Healthy Life - Buy these 12 Organic Super Foods. God has placed very special properties in these foods for you and I, so we can live longer and prevent diseases.
Want to know more about the low glycemic index foods? Here you can read more about what the Low Glycemic Index Foods are, how it works and how it affects blood sugar
Organic food sales have grown by 17 to 20 percent a year for the past few years while sales of conventional food have grown at only about 2 to 3 percent a year.
Organic Food Cost - Expensive? It will be surprising to you on how much YOU spend on junk and processes food. You are literally throwing your money down the drain.
Alternative Cleaning Products. We all want it, we all want something that really cleans good, fast and easy, but do we really know what we are inhaling.
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The foods to balance hormones directly affects our health. Learn hormonal imbalance symptoms in females and our hormones also depend on what kind of food we eat.
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